Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The New Year.....hmmm, What Is In Store For 2008?

So here we are another New Year come and gone. Did everyone ring in the new year they way they hoped? It seems that the "new year's eve event" has become a bit of a chore.

This year more than others, I found. I have never been a big public party kind of guy for New Years. I prefer a smaller, more low key style. Not that having a great time isn't the goal, but simply prefer to adhere to the K.I.S.S. theory. Keep It Simple Stupid. And of course the segway to the New Year's eve lip lock applies too.

Keeping it simple just means, picking a place, showing up, enjoying some company, watch the TV to count down the seconds and share some hugs and kisses when it all happens. That's it. No worrying about what to wear, what to bring, who's bringing what, nothing stressful.

So this year we opted to follow the plans of last four years, head over to the same friend's house and ring in the new year. We had an addition to the festivities this year. Another couple joined us and it was a welcome addition to, what is shaping up to be a New Year's tradition. It was a very good evening and I believe we all had a good time. Must have been...I returned AFTER 3am!!! Just so you know, no drinking and driving, all drivers were very responsible.

I hope everyone had a good New Year's eve and they are looking forward to 2008. I am expecting a year of change, good change. I know our friends have some new babies joining us this year and they will add new blessings for us to be thankful for. Really hope everyone I care about finds some peace in their lives regarding whatever issue plagues them the most. I will pray for them to act on the guidance they receive, rather than wait for the solution to fall in their laps. The new year is upon us and has begun as quickly as the previous ended. Act now and make the changes you want to see happen in your life. Keeping in mind that the solution may not be what you expect it to be, so maintain an open mind to different options that will yield the same result. Our minds are like a parachute....they only work when they are open. The most difficult thing to do is to realize our plan may not be the most effective way to find the change we are seeking. Work hard to assess and re-assess to ensure your plan is NOT too narrow minded to actually achieve your goals for 2008. Set yourself up for success not failure.

As I sit here and read my words again, I am compelled to mention the Lord. He wants us to be happy and to find happiness. He reminds me that inviting Jesus into your heart to live with you will open doors to your life that may have been previously closed. He will show you opportunities to be stronger, more courageous, find peace and be happier. He cannot "give" you strength, courage, peace or make you happy. But He will help you understand yourself better, He will guide you to places within yourself that you never knew were there. With this guidance you will discover the World around you is filled with many opportunities to achieve great things. We are all unique, yet the same. In likeness of Him, yet unique. He is not one thing to all of us, instead He is all things to each of us, individually. He wants each of us to have a very personal relationship with Him. Speak to Him, even if it is for the first time. He has been waiting all your life for you to say hello. There is no "right" way to pray to God. Formal or informal, just say hello, He is always available and never on vacation.

You are NEVER alone with Jesus alive in your heart. Never will you need to feel you are walking through this crazy World alone when you have Jesus as a friend. Make him your friend today. Invite Him to be a part of your life. He won't turn you down.

Take care everyone, say a prayer today for anyone or everyone.

Give Jesus a call....

My Two Cents


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