Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Should I mention why?

I wonder if it is worth mentioning why I have been absent for so long? Who has noticed? Not sure I have enough (or any readers) that have found a void in their life due to my absence.
Honestly there isn't one specific reason either. I just had work to do finding a job and didn't have time or motivation to write anything. Lately I have found myself thinking about writing again and have ignored the urge. I should have entered my thoughts into the journal I started, but didn't. There is a bunch of stuff I need to revisit from that book and I should be writing again.
As you will have noticed I seem to have the ability to post from my Blackberry, which is kinda cool if you ask me! Then I can write when the moment strikes me and perhaps be a little more timely. I suppose I don't want to post too many a day if I get soap box happy and load up the page with crap! I really hope to keep the content worth reading and coming back for. Who knows maybe I can have a following, minions, I've always wanted minions!

Really who wouldn't want some minions to do some dirty work, like read my boring diatribes in cyberspace!

My Two Cents,