Friday, February 29, 2008

Weather, Oh Must We Talk About The Weather Again!!

I am back and mad as hell......I kid, I kid, I kid!! Seriously though, what is the deal with weather being the most important thing we talk about? The entire peanut gallery has busted out their respective soap boxes and can’t stop yapping about our snow fall yesterday. Cries of "Is winter back?" ring out through the halls of the workplace. Has anyone checked the calendar lately.....IT IS STILL FEBRUARY, so NO winter isn't back, it isn't over yet! LOL I have to laugh. This is from lifers in Manitoba and every single year we get a little taste of warm weather early in the year and then the weather returns to its normal state for Manitoba and everyone goes bonkers! Like suddenly summer is going to start in February/March. Why all the discussion about the weather anyway? Can any of us control what it will offer us from one day to the next? Don't we all have something else in our lives that is positive or heartwarming we could be focused on? Who knows. Because no matter what the weather person tells us, the weather will be what it is, most of us will continue to go about our lives without fail. We are hearty folk and winter weather doesn't slow us down. So why discuss the weather to no end when it will never yield any net gain? I digress.

I personally don't care what the weather is like. I just do what I gotta do when I gotta do it. A couple winters back, during a -30 degree cold snap, Loretta and I were going to a movie with her sister one evening. We stepped out of the house to find the Blazer with a flat tire. Now we could have easily just decided not to go. But I just went outside and got to work changing the tire. It was frickin cold, I mean crazy cold, so cold the penguins down the street were building a fire to stay warm! But I changed the tire, hauled the flat into the house (to thaw out) and we made it to the movie with time to spare. There are a few lessons to be learned. One...never let things get you down and prevent you from getting to where you want to go in life. Two...when planning to go somewhere don't leave at the last second; give yourself enough time to handle the unexpected (I always get ribbed for leaving so early to get places). Three...Everyone should get a DAMN membership to CAA because CHANGING A TIRE AT -30 DEGREE TEMPERATURES IS JUST PLAIN CRAZY!!!

But I guess this blog is just a futile as actually talking about the weather, I am simply talking to myself I guess! LOL Funny stuff. Let's try and address the not talking about the weather by talking about the weather! HMMMM. Either way I try and avoid weather related conversations at work. I guess it is true that we spend all this time with people at work, arguably more than with our families, yet we don't really know the guy in the next cubicle. So we need to break the awkward silence with something and since stripping isn't always an option I guess we could talk about the weather. I hear a crazy storm is blowing in this weekend! Your thoughts?

My Two Cents

Friday, February 22, 2008

Gas Prices Are A Joke

Can anyone explain gas prices? Besides the obvious government controlling it all theory.

How stupid do they think we are? I know the answer to that too. Just look at the yo-yo prices. The price was $1.05/litre when the price of oil hit $100. Then the price of oil dropped to about $70 when the stock markets were in a free fall a few weeks back. But yet the price of gas never budged. Now the price of oil is back to $100 and the price of gas is jumping up .05 a litre????? What gives?

The oil price is the same as it was before but yet the price has to go up. I can't possibly be the only person who notices this.

Paying a high price for fuel sucks but for me a necessary evil. I wouldn't complain if the price at the pump actually moved both directions. Down when oil prices went down and up when they go up. Simple, right? Who knows.

The government is so deeply in bed with fuel and tobacco companies that the well being of man kind is not important. Taxes, the almighty dollar, rules the roost. And sadly I don't see that ending anytime soon.

My Two Cents


Friday, February 15, 2008

The Wonderment of the Human Mind

First off, I am not a news watcher. Too much negative stuff which, in my opinion, taints the reality of life. But, I couldn't help but think to myself yesterday as I was sucked in by some of the news coverage about the Chicago school shooting; "What exactly runs through someone's mind when they reach the point of making a decision to kill people? How do they get from emotionally distressed to take innocent lives?"

Before I go on, I would like to say a prayer to the families and friends of the victims who have been affected by this terrible event. - Dear Lord, please watch over the people affected by the shooting in Chicago. May you find a way to do your work through others in a way that reaches out and provides comfort and peace to those who are lost within the despair of the events in Chicago. May you find your way into their hearts to restore their hope. Help them move through the grief to a better place. May they find Your comfort in a way that gives them the courage to forge ahead. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

So what goes through the mind of a killer? Usually reports indicate the gunman showed innumerable signs of a propensity for violence, like with the Virgina Tech tragedy. But not this time. In Chicago all reports state the gunman had no prior run ins with the law and a clean record. So I ask, "How do you prevent the final stage that compels someone to kill?" The question of prevention is contradictory by nature, a paradox if you will, although prevention appears to be the answer to avoiding future deaths, yet it is also a nearly absurd possibility.

The idea of revenge killings seems to serve up an "answer" as to why, but is a mute point as well. People who kill others because of a disagreement or revenge, albeit wrong, give us a shred of understanding into their actions under the guise 'I can see why they did it'. But these mass killings of innocent people who have nothing specifically attaching them to their killers is baffling to me. In Chicago there was a man who makes a decision, leaving no evidence as to why, to march into a college campus, quietly take the stage in an auditorium and kill people, sobering thought, the gentle approach to killing people. He prepares for the day carefully, throughly, and without any second thought or remorse. He arms himself, packs plenty of ammo to ensure he can accomplish is intended task. Then calmly executes his plan without speaking a word and in deliberate fashion. Only to complete the horror by shooting himself, leaving all the answers to the question, why, to die that day with him.

It is obvious to me that thinking played an integral role in the killers plans. There is nothing "random" about it. Each and every step is methodically planned and carried out with extreme precision. Which brings us full circle and back to the question, "What is a person thinking when they perform such a premeditated action?" How do they get from 'I hate the World' to 'I am going to kill people that represent why I hate the World'? I think therein lies the crux of the issue. Are these mass killings an exercise in gratification that the killer is making the World a better place in their minds? Do they truly believe they are performing some sort of justice? Or do they simply want to inflict pain, that, of which, they themselves feel? Can they actually extract 'gratification' from this act for a brief moment before they take their own life? Or by their very nature find no hope or gratification in anything, thus 'compelling' them to kill? Perhaps a feeling of no hope for anything in their lives to get better is the trigger that incites such heinous acts.

The human mind is such a powerful tool, most often underestimated. We are a product of what we allow our brain to process. Without a doubt a young man who has graduated with honors from the Chicago University must have something in his life that is positive. Sadly he allowed the negative events to poison his brain and yield a hopeless outlook. Of course this an extreme case and isn't meant to suggest that anyone who allows negativity to run their lives will eventually kill people. However, it should shed some light on the not so untrue reality that we all allow ourselves to be sucked in to the unfortunate things we have happening in our lives. We all have as much in our lives, if not more, great things that make our lives special that provide us happy thoughts, than we do negative things. I think if we all practiced training our brains to revert to those good things when things get tough, we would find ourselves back to good times sooner.

Maybe it sounds ridiculous and maybe it sounds simple. Maybe you think I am over generalizing and over simplifying. However, what if it is really that simple? What if we could be happier as a whole with a few simple training exercises for our brain. Is it possible to train your brain to default to good things in our lives when faced with adversity? If you can train your brain to learn mathematics, then you can certainly train it to find the good and positive side to life. This is certainly not suggesting the extreme cases can be 'fixed' with some power of positive thinking propaganda. Extreme cases need extreme solutions; and there lies the paradox. As for the rest of us, we can all enjoy more out of life if we trained ourselves to LOOK for the good and find a way to focus on life's beautiful gifts.

Make the choice to be a happier person and look for the brighter side of life. You will make the World around you a better place. Smile and people will smile back and for those who don' is time for them to find the happiness in life.

God Bless those who are suffering through the tough times as a result of Chicago University shooting and may He show you how to find peace in these difficult times.

My Two Cents


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I saw something sad today.....

There I am running through the paces of another Tuesday morning when I saw it. A sad sight for my morning eyes. It was enough to make you wonder why? how? when? and who thought this was a good idea? I stared in wild wonder at the sight before me, yearning for some answers. I became consumed by the images running through my mind. The torture, the solitary confinement, the loneliness gripped me with a iron fist daring me to keep going to find out if it were really true.

I continued through my routine. I parked my vehicle and paused...should I investigate further? Could I bear witness to the despair that I knew to be lurking through the doors only a few feet away. Could the information I encountered as drove up and entered this domain be true? There must be a mistake, were my eyes deceiving me? The only way to know for sure was to leave the warmth of my vehicle and venture out into the frigid air, make the walk to the doors and surge through them to discover the truth.

After coming to terms with the fact that what I believed to be true may not be a horrible as I was billing it be, I went inside.

To my utter shock and disbelief all the signs pointing to this unfortunate circumstance were in fact true! There she was standing there all alone with longing for human contact. Anyone, anyone please notice me. She tried to look as though it didn't matter to her, but it did. She had been thrust into a World where she could never measure up. She was destined to fail. She diligently wiped the already clean counter waiting for someone to ask her one simple question......"Can you get me a large coffee with one cream, one sugar?" Nobody answered her internal cries for acceptance. She was an island in a sea of zombies, all focused on their goal, the sacred Morning Coffee.

I shrugged off my feelings of guilt. While I continued past her in my effort to remain focused to grab my morning coffee from our Nation's favorite addiction, Tim Hortons, I asked myself, "Why would Wendy's think they could sell coffee along side Timmys, let alone in the same building?"

Who was the brain child behind this blunder! How does that board room meeting at Wendy's head office go?

Upstart employee stands proudly and proclaims, "Hey boss, I have this incredible idea! Let's open really early, say 730 AM, to grab that morning crowd!"

Bosses reply, "Are you saying we should sell coffee in the same building as Tim Hortons?"

Upstart employee confidently responds by saying, "No worries boss. We will put up some HUGE signs to let everyone know BEFORE they get inside that we now serve coffee. A special Folgers blend! YEAH! We can team up with Folgers. Everyone likes Folgers. They will all convert to Wendy's coffee and Tim's will become a ghost town!

So as I left the building with my large coffee in tow, I glanced back at the lowly employee still hoping she would get noticed and some how justify her wages with a sale of some kind, I once again felt sadness. Pots and pots of Folgers coffee being poured down the drain morning after morning until someone pulls the plug on this project. Oh the horror!

Perhaps she was drinking the coffee? But I doubt it. As we all know paying for a cup of Timmys trumps a free cup of coffee any day!

My two Cents

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Birthdays....what is the big deal?

My birthday recently passed. No need to send wishes of belated birthday cheer. My view is you remember or you don't. No big deal. I just don't understand the emotion that is tied up in who remembers and who doesn't, whether there is a big party or not. It is just another day on the calendar, in my opinion.

I am never one to remind people my birthday is coming or declare it a national holiday. Or even to go as far as to view it as a week long festival. Nope not me. It isn't for the reasons most people think it is either. I get a lot of "Oh, not celebrating anymore eh? Getting too old!". Nothing could be further from the truth. I simply don't believe my physical age has any real bearing on who I am or how I think. So it is irrelevant how old I am. In fact I have to actually remind myself my birthday is coming and on occasion the day of. Seriously! I sounds stupid but it's true. This year I was surprised to get an invite to my parents on, what appeared to me, a random Sunday morning for breakfast. Sure my sister and brother-in-law were popping by to pick up their daughter, but that happens fairly often and I am not asked to join them for breakfast. So, I agreed. I woke that morning still wondering what was up, could it be the recent engagement? I figured it wouldn't be that because Loretta wouldn't be joining me (too early), so it seemed odd. Then it dawns on me as I walk out the door, "today is my birthday!". Now it all makes sense.

I follow this story up with me planning to have the guys over to watch the Super Bowl and play some games. During the planning process I realize that Super Bowl is being played on my birthday! SHEESH! Now I have gone and created my own party, how pathetic! It turned out okay because only one of the guys remembered it was my birthday anyway. We all enjoyed the day without tainting it with the birthday party feel.

Now don't misunderstand, I am not opposed to celebrating my birthday, I just don't NEED it. If someone were to make big plans for my birthday each year, I would be happy to attend and have a blast, but I certainly won't be sad if the day passes without notice. Well I guess I expect my mom to remember, she did have to give birth to me on that day.

I just don't get the emotion tied to it all. Myself and my finance were aggressively chastised for not reminding certain people, in fact I was called names by one person. Not sure how to explain that one. Perhaps it was because I had remembered their birthday only a couple weeks earlier and they felt bad in some weird way because they forgot mine. Who knows?! Ultimately I think birthdays are funny. People get all wound up as their's approaches and if all the people they THINK should phone don't they is ruined in some way. I don't get it. The only person who truly invested in the date of my birth is my mother. She carried me around for months and dealt with pain and recovery of popping me out, so it would make sense she might remember that. But as for everyone big deal. Everyone always remembers eventually. A belated birthday wish is just as thoughtful as one you receive on the "special" day.

I may be alone on this one, but nothing irks me more than the gratuitous Happy Birthday greeting. I know people love to be told happy birthday and I frequently pass along the well wishes whenever needed. But I personally don't want people who don't consider someone they would spend time with to feel an obligation to wish me well on my birthday simply because they have the knowledge it is my birthday. So I don't advertise my birthday. Once again the exception to that rule is always if someone is being planned. If a party is planned, call the World and let's do this thing right! Party and enjoy the night, have some fun telling jokes, having a few wabbly pops and relax. If everyone wants to use my date of birth as an excuse to congregate and create some memories then let's do it. But let's not play the social game of "I remembered your birthday, so that makes me special". If you remember your remember, no skin off my nose.

My Two Cents


Monday, February 04, 2008

Here I am Again

As I toil away at my job I am once again finding myself wondering, what am I missing? I have always prided myself on the idea of not chasing the money, however, I have begun to question the intelligence of that thinking.

You see the basis for not chasing the money was rooted in the concept of a certain level of fulfillment achieved from our daily work. Which brings me to my cross roads. Do I pursue a higher paying job in the same field if I am not finding much enjoyment from the work I do? Currently the company is good but the pay is unfortunate. So finding work that pays more would be fairly simple.
Problem is I am not willing to leave for the sake of leaving. As I stated the company is worth working for, aside from the way below average wages. There in lies the problem.

I feel so under utilized and every ounce of passion I have serves no purpose. Currently, I am not a working man, so to speak. I love to work hard and accomplish meaningful objectives. But I believe my true calling is that of business leader/owner. I know how to make money and love to watch something grow, becoming better. Dollars and cents comes natural to me. Build an empire if you will.

Let's just say this...2008 is the year of change! I will find a business to start, I will become more successful. In 2008 I will start my own business, I will become more influential. In 2008 I will be a rising star. I will become the powerhouse I am destined to become. 2008 will open new doors to my future.

That is my mission.

My Two Cents
