Monday, March 09, 2009

Recession Proof?

Well, about a week ago I was laid off. Although I understood the possibility was there working for a Canadian manufacturing company, I still didn't see it coming.
It seems to have set in this morning. I should have been busting out this blog when I had the chance. Hind sight always 20/20.
It has been a hurricane of emotions, not too worried to what the hell am I going to do. Not that I worried about finding employment, mostly trying to figure out what the heck I want to do.
The Information Technology (I.T.) industry was cool, but I am not sure it is for me. I haven't written it off, but I definitely need a much bigger challenge than I had. For me I need opportunity to be creative and to think outside the box. I am a proactive thinker always striving for a better way to do things. Sometimes there isn't that is cool too. But if there is a better way I will find it, given enough time.
For now I will try to bring some life back to my blog, re-read some of the blog building research I have and see what comes of it.
Today I cast out the lines and see what type of fish are biting. When one door closes many more always open, the trick is to be alert and notice them.

My Two Cents