Monday, January 28, 2008

I Had To Walk 10 Miles Uphill BOTH Ways!

If you are older than 30 you may recall thinking your parents were crazy and that their stories were ridiculous! I know when I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking five miles to school every morning through six feet of snow...and of course uphill BOTH ways. Yawn, stretch...what?...squint....were you telling me that sob story....I must have dozed off! I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way I was going to spew for the crazy talk they gave me. You know, a bunch of bologna about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!

But now.....I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. Complain complain complain! They've got it so easy! They no clue how limited our childhood was, imagination was critical. I hate to say it but these kids today don't know how good they've got it! Everything is instant access, instant gratification, instant oatmeal, instant answers and instant information.

When I was a kid there was no The Internet. If I wanted to know something, I had to go to the library and look it up myself, I had learn the Dewey Decimal system!! Do they even no what that is?

There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter....with a pen! I remember learning in school how to properly address an envelope. Once you finished addressing the letter, you had to find a mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!

There were no MP3's or file sharing! If I wanted to steal music, I had to get to the record store and shoplift it myself (not that I did that)! Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ usually talked over the beginning and @#*% it all up!
The idea of a CD release date actually meant something. Now the music is leaked and millions of people have it before it is released.

Don't get me started about I-Pods either. 1000s of songs in your pocket. We were happy if our Walkman didn't eat our favorite mix tape! Then there was the Discman, we needed to have one CD for each artist and long trip required separate luggage to bring your music library! They have no clue how dedicated you had to be to music to enjoy everywhere you went when we were kids!

We didn't have fancy things like Call Waiting. If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it! Also we didn't have stuff like Caller ID Boxes either. When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your mom, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, a collections agent, you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

We didn't have any hi-tech Sony Playstation video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari! With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'asteroids'. Your guy was a little square! There were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever! You could never "finish" a game. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! The high score was a badge of honor. Some might say "The Champion of the Universe" if you will.

At the movie theater there no such thing as stadium seating, all the seats were the same height! If a tall guy, some old lady with a hat or some 80s big hair sat in front of you; you couldn't see, you were just screwed! And let's not even get started about the all that leg room you have now! You could drive a Mack truck through down the rows and not even have to get up!

Sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 15 channels and there was no on screen menu to help you decide what to watch. You had to use a little book called a TV Guide delivered in your Saturday newspaper (and it still is by the way) to find out what was on! This one really busts my chops there was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday you hear what I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons! No wonder so many kids are babysat by television these days. 24/7 cartoons is nuts!

Popcorn was made with scalding hot oil or air popped. We took our lives in our own innocent hands to enjoy the fluffy white stuff. Now you pop it in the microwave and you are eating in about 90 seconds!

That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy.
You're spoiled. You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980s!

Best Regards,
The over 30 Crowd

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle

Seriously I will be a Monkey's uncle! Wouldn't it be fun to have a niece or nephew that is a monkey? C'mon be honest monkeys are freak'in awesome!

Then you can imagine the looks of wonder when I introduce my nephew Jimmy and there I am walking hand in.....hand (?) with a primate. No worries he will be able to shake hands politely and perhaps squeak or squawk in a friendly manner.

I would be the talk of the town. Some people just won't get it but they are narrow-minded. Open your mind, expand your scope of reason. Let's be clear. I am talking about the very well trained monkeys. Not some wild and crazy bush monkey without any sense of class or style. Certainly not one that flings it's poop around, that just turns people off, I figure.

Monkeys unite! Monkey pets more than meets the wait that is the wrong song.

pffffttff you get the idea!

My Two Cents


Friday, January 18, 2008

Global Warming My Ass

Did Winnipeg miss the memo? Hello Mr. Arctic Cold Front did you sleep in the day the "save the planet" crew announced the World is melting?

The high for tomorrow is -25 degrees Celsius! Which means the overnight low will be minus 35 and should there be a sniff of a breeze the temp will plummet to minus 50! I am not talking wind here, just a "gentle" breeze is all it takes to create dangerous conditions. Not so gentle in January. If we are not careful penguins may start to migrate!

Hey don't think I am complaining because I'm not. I am not one of those Manitoba's who insists on letting Old Man Winter decide how I live my life. Not me, nope. I put on my big boots, pack a touque (sorry that's warm head gear for those who don't know), warm mitts, extra clothes, flares, candles, heavy wool blankets, bottled water, canned foods and off I go!

But seriously I think Winnipeggers find it hard to believe the Global Warming theory when year after year we are submersed in what can only be described as bone chilling temperatures. We are infamous for it. Many people south of the border think it is brittle baron landscape filled with igloos and pet polar bears. It seems the dividing line between the USA and Canada is some sort of magical weather line. On a return trip from Fargo a few months back we experienced this magic first hand. The weather was nice in Fargo, Grand Forks and the highways leading to our great nation. We stopped in Grand Forks for breakfast; the sun was out, the temperature was comfortable, very little snow on the ground. Then we crossed the border and no more than a mile out of the USA (I kid you not) the temperature dropped, there was snow everywhere and highways were getting worse the further North we went. It is no joke what they about the people who decided where the line between Canada and USA was drawn. The group responsible was walking along in a Northern path, wondering among themselves "So, where do think we should draw the line?". They had no idea how much further the land would go. Then suddenly, the temperature changed from +5 to -20 and they looked at each other and said "This should be far enough boys!".

I think Global Warming is a legitimate issue, but DAMN it gets cold here in Winterpeg Manitoba this time of year.

Go green everyone. You do your part and the World will be a better place.

My Two Cents


Thursday, January 17, 2008

It Has Finally Happened, I Defended The Old Fashioned

My son is going to be 12 this year and I am not sure how that happened. No silly, I understand how it happened, but when did the baby become 12?

Yesterday we stopped off at Safeway for a an onion and some bread, what you don't stop and buy an onion and some bread? Anyway, we grab up the produce we need and the bread; we are now meandering through the store for nothing in particular (and I wonder why the kids hate going shopping-HA). I have to walk the length of the store, ya never know what might be on sale! But I digress. We are walking down the condiment aisle and my son points out to his sister (9), with great enthusiasm, "Look, they have old fashioned ketchup! The kind in the glass bottle!"

They stare and ogle this incredibly foreign container through which every kid's favorite dipping sauce/spaghetti sauce/fry topping/overall simple addition to any meal is displayed. After some very poignant conversation regarding the ketchups usefulness it is declared the "old fashioned" glass bottle is useless. I even believe the word hate was used.

The next course of events could have been somewhat out of body. I began to defend the glass bottle as if I were the inventor. Like some how my personal worth was tied to the glass ketchup bottle's acceptance. I begin to explain the glass bottle gets a raw deal because people don't know how to use it. I try and give them a physics lesson as we walk to find a register to pay for our things. I explain that the "secret" to glass bottles is NOT to tap the bottom of the bottle, but to tap the side of the bottle. With wonder and amazement, or perhaps a feeling of what the heck is this old guy talking about, my children listen in awe. I am going with awe for my own peace of mind. I continue my Physics 101 class, by tapping the side of the glass you are moving the ketchup to the side of the bottle allowing air to move up the bottle away from the opening and using gravity to push down on the ketchup. By tapping the top of the bottle you are pushing to opposing forces together, eventually the ketchup will come out but because your force is greater than the other two, but it can result in an 'explosion' of sorts.

Worst part, I would never buy a glass bottle of ketchup!!! I have to laugh. Kids are funny creature. They change your World so immeasurably it is astonishing.

Do I think I swayed their minds, nope! But I think I crossed a line I can't return from. I find comfort in things from years past even if I don't have a vested interest. I guess I ask myself does this make me old? I don't think so, but it was sure funny.

My Two Cents


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Impressions Last a Lifetime

I am on a road of discovery. Discovering how hard it is to shed the weight of a first impression. I was recently submersed in a terrible event. It stemmed from a reoccurring theme where people misunderstand me. Ya see, I have serious trust issues. I hide it fairly well, but honestly it is a powerful factor in my life.

I am a shy, however, most who know me would disagree. But the truth is I have known most of my friends for more than 20 years. Naturally I am comfortable with them and trust them to allow me to be me. But with new people it takes time for me to get to that point. During that time I do what I love to do, people watch. I observe and try and get a feel for the dynamics. How would I best fit in to this situation in the future. Unfortunately my shyness has been taken as indifference, arrogance or that I am a very serious guy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I care about people, sometimes too much; I don't feel I have anything to be arrogant about and I am a guy who likes to have fun. I will admit I find it hard to 'let loose' if there people around I don't know very well. I think this is pretty normal, however, I am sure I am at the extreme end of things.

Some where along the line in the last 10 to 15 years I have lost my ability to let loose without worrying about what others think. It seems my large network of friends has caused me to not trust anyone else unless I have to! That's ridiculous. I find when around my kids I have to be this authoritarian on constant vigil watch to ensure they are learning to be good people and that they are safe. That too is ridiculous. I think all involved would be served better if I was more relaxed. In years past I was known for being the life of the party and spent a great deal of time on the dance floor or being crazy (good crazy, not embarrassing crazy). I had a lot of fun. Truth be told, I still have a lot of fun, but in a different way, mostly on the inside where my fun is safe and won't be criticized. I need to find my way back to being the life of the party (so to speak). Not interested in partying per say, but being more fun to the casual observer. Which is what happened in the above mentioned event. I joined a group of people (none of which I knew) and after a period of time elapsed was accused of not enjoying myself and not having fun. It was completely untrue. The worse part was I was unceremoniously ousted. Because my enjoyment and ability to have were not in line with the rest of the group. Funny part about this story is (or sad really) nobody and I mean nobody took the time to talk to me, get to know me. They had a meeting without me present and decided. At one point it looked like someone actually cared. I received a call and I thought everything was good. The I receive an email (yes an email) to inform me that my part in the group was no longer necessary. Naturally I tried to plead my case. I sent no less than 10 emails trying to get some sort of response. Any kind of response. I would have been happy with a "please do not email us anymore". But what I received was to be cut off completely like I was some sort of plague. And I am the serious one?

Thankfully I have a good support system and was able to get through the initial emotional roller coaster. I had a visit from a some good friends who once a reminded me I AM a good person. They showed up unannounced because they had heard about the situation and wanted to be sure I was okay. Good stuff.
Also I was able to get to the healthy place where I realize I can do no more and that the ownership of this issue lies with the group (or members within the group that caused this to happen). I know what I brought to the table and even though I was misunderstood I know it is because they did not bother to try and know me. They judged, tried and convicted without any input from me. I have moved on. In a way I feel sorry for them. They don't fully understand the implications of their actions.

From all this I have felt I need to work on my own ability to be less guarded around new people. I need to shed a few layers of protection and lay it out there. I am guessing, but think more people would appreciate my fun loving side as a better way to get to know me, rather than my closed off, wait and see facade I use now.

It's amusing to me. Friends I have made in the last five years or so really don't know me. I give them credit because they know me for what they have seen thus far, but the true me is not something they have had the benefit of seeing. The strange part will come when I can find my way back to the real me and the newer friends will think I have changed. When really the person they know is the changed version of me! 2008 is a year of change. Changing back to a happy, more easy going me.

Sounds like fun.

My Two Cents

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Definition of Insane

Insane: Doing the same thing repeatedly, without changing the parameters and expecting different results.

Time and time again I am faced with people who confide in me about various things in their life they are unhappy about. Some minor and some major. I am more than willing to be the friendly ear and shoulders to cry on. What are friends for?

My only problem is having to listen to the same problem over and over again. How many times do we have to talk about the same topic before I can justifiably tap the mat and say I give up. I want to help, I want to be there for them, but unless they actually do something to help themselves I cannot offer anything more. It is crux of the "help a friend in need" issue. You will always get to a certain point where your usefulness as a friend is used up. What I mean is; the friend with the problem that needs to be changed so badly has to take ownership of the problem and make the necessary changes (usually hard changes) to see any benefit from our friendly support.

Basically, if you want something to change in your life, you MUST change something in your life.

Make sense? I hope so, because no truer words have been spoken. Think about...everything you have done in your life thus far has led you to this exact point in your life. If there is something in your life you feel is missing then you have to be honest about it and realize (and here is the important part) whatever you need to do to attain the missing component you have not been doing thus far in your life. . Understand? So sitting and wondering what you are doing wrong is a waste of time, because it IS NOT about what you are doing wrong, it IS about what you aren't doing at all.

The next most destructive thing to do is to try something and then globally decide it is not working without having been fair about your expectations of the results. When you make the fantastic decision to try something new to facilitate the change you are looking for, you need to find out what to expect as results. If the idea should take three years to yield results and you throw in the towel after year one, then how can you claim it did not work? You only put for 33% of the required work/effort. If you chose to determine the effectiveness of your adventure without knowing the what the "norm" is then you will give up too easily. And I suspect that is the type of thinking that got you to this point in your life where you feel change is critical. So we have come full circle.

Next phase is the "nothing I try works" phase. This phase is riddled with misguided emotion that is fueled by the very thinking that landed you in this mess. The reason it is driven by misguided emotion is as stated above. Your approach to things you try. Let's digress for a moment. Let's say you never made bread before and you decided you wanted to make bread, BUT you figured you knew best and didn't really need to follow the instructions (normal expectations). You decide this should not take more than a half hour to prepare. Off you go to make a change in your life. So you but everything together and slap the dough in the oven after your half hour of prep. Now we wait and see if the change in your life works out and yields the desired results. Baking time is over and your 'loaf" of bread is terrible and flat. Now you decide nothing you try works and that you can't make bread. HOWEVER, that is not entirely true, had you investigated (read the instructions) you would have discovered the prep time is an hour and half, due to the kneading and rising times required to yield a good loaf of bread. Had you known what the normal expectations of effort were required you would have been able to put in the proper amount of effort and truly found out if you can bake bread.

The same principles can be directly applied to major life changes, simply understand the hours to make bread represent years or longer. I blame the art of advertising for this unfortunate black hole some of us find ourselves. Naturally if you want to coax someone into using your product or service you need to show them a snapshot of the results. These snapshots are generally a "perfect storm" scenario. What you can fail to understand is that, although these results are real, they are not typical. You start with a the desire for change, but with a false expectation of results. Then when the results don't match your expectations (which are unrealistic based on normal results) you feel you have failed and give up. Bottom line is you never gave it the proper amount of time to get the results you were looking for.

All I can say is do your homework. Know exactly what to expect and then you will know why the results are happening the way they are. Go out and make a change.

If you want something to change in your life, you MUST change something in your life

My Two Cents


Renewed Faith In Friendship

As of late the concept of friendship has haunted me. With the explosion of Facebook and it's categoric label of "friends" it leaves one to wonder. Is a friend defined as anyone with an email address? Doesn't the very nature of friendship require a certain level of loyalty, integrity, and a willingness to go above and beyond? To be considered a friend, shouldn't the person be someone you contact when things are rough or joyous, or heck perhaps to just say Hi? Watering down the definition of friend is not a healthy way to feel important. I have numerous friends, many of the 20+ year range. I think that speaks to the type of friend and in turn the type of person I am.

Today I received a conformation that I am a good person and that I give of myself for those who are my friends. Quite frankly I give of myself to anyone in need really and some who don't need. I called a friend the other day to inquire about needing some help with something. Him and I had spoke on this issue numerous times in the past and he had always said he would be there for me. So I called last week, trying ensure I gave him enough time to work out the details. I respect the fact that he is extremely busy. It turns out that 9 months was not enough lead time for him. He was very apologetic and he knew I would understand, which I did. I was disappointed and discouraged, but once again knew he was not blowing me off, he is busy. Today I spoke with him again and he informed that if I give him a confirmed time frame he will work me in. He is willing to "cancel another commitment to help out a friend". I was astonished and blown away. I will admit his act of generosity was unexpected and caught me off guard. I was a little emotional. He told me that he spent some time thinking about it and asked a few people close to him about the situation (refer to a previous Blog regarding the concept of asking questions) and he felt he had no other choice but to accommodate me in whatever way he could. Why? Because in his words "You've helped me out in the past and we had good times in and out of school. All that, so don't worry, I'll make it work" and "I talked to some people about it, and they gave me good advice. Gata keep important people first! Also, don't feel like you pressured me or anything. That is totally not it! This is completely a personal thing that I think is important."

So I will take away from my conversation that I am on the right track and keep working hard at being a good, honest person who looks out for whomever needs it. I believe helping people and giving of ones self is greatest feeling in the World.

Future blog to follow this topic will be in reference to reminding ourselves why

My Two Cents


Monday, January 14, 2008

Living Out Of A Suitcase

Just trying to keep sane these days. So much going on.

My parents are away and I am dog sitting. All the routines are thrown out of whack. Living out of a suitcase and never quite feeling at home.

It's funny how bound we are to our routines. The most simple of changes can throw us out of orbit. We go through our days without realizing how little control we have. I know you are thinking, whoa big fellar, I have control over me! Really, you do? Funny, how some of us are a complete mess if things are not exactly as they expect them to be.

Even the dog is a mess. She is so lost without her normal daily routine. My Dad is retired, so the dog gets plenty of rides and has company. In recent months my Dad has not been very healthy, so the dog is getting even more attention from an owner who is home all the time. Now my parents have up and gone to Mexico and dog is confused. We are off to work each day and she is home on her own. When we are home she out of sorts.

I don't think it is healthy to be so tied to a routine (this coming from a goalie, HA). Seriously, though if you are governed by a routine then you are adding stress to your life. Because if any little thing attempts to tweak that routine in any way, we tend to become frantic and potentially stressed about how it will all work. I myself have been working very hard over the last number of years to avoid being to tied to a routine. I have found it much easier to manage any given day. Being able to adjust to whatever the day brings has allowed me to take my focus off the unimportant and turn my focus to the important. The way something gets done is NEVER more important then the fact that is getting done.

For most people who know me they will probably laugh at the above statements. But, sadly, that is only because most people I have known for many years and they remember the old me. So too that I urge anyone who cares to keeps their relationships fresh to always give someone the credit they deserve for making themselves a better person.

Strive to be a better person. It requires hard work and shedding of old routines.

My Two Cents


Why Won't Anyone Just Talk To Each Other

It seems to be a reoccurring theme these days. More and more people appear to think they know everything there is to know about everything.

I for one DO NOT believe I know much of anything about anything, which is why I ask questions. Questions...novel idea isn't it? The most frustrating part of this crazy mess is how people can spend a lifetime "deciding" things a happen a certain way without any shred of evidence to back up their theory. Let's take this one step further into crazy town. Not only do people make a decision about something without knowing the facts, they also CHOSE the worst possible scenario!! That is flat out crazy thinking from the mayor of crazy town!

Why would you chose to assume that the reason something happened the way it did in a way that leaves you feeling slighted in some way? Is the goal to feel terrible about oneself and in turn defame the character of the person or persons involved? It appears self destructive behavior is the new norm for what drives a person's motives. I am dumbfounded.

I guess I am not of the same school 0f thought. I myself (and this doesn't make me special, it is just who I am) prefer to give someone the benefit of the doubt and make an attempt to understand the circumstances before making a decision about something. It is true that times the only conclusion is to understand I can do no more. Resolve my end of the issue and try not to carry the baggage of others. Until they are ready to be serious about self assessment then it is not a fair comparison.

All this sounds cryptic I am sure, but rest assure it is really quite simple. When faced with a difficult and potentially volatile situation, stop, assess and understand. If you still don't understand be sure you have asked enough pertinent questions and keep it from being a personal issue. Once you have exhausted the process of being accountable to the all parties involved and still no resolve is possible, you cut the cord and understand the issue is owned by the other party or parties. Ownership. Discovering what issues you own and which ones the other parties own is crucial to finding peace in unresolved issues.

Remember you cannot help someone who doesn't want help or thinks they don't need help. Until they can take ownership of their own issues it is impossible to work through an issue. The idea of forced understanding is folly.

My Two Cents


Thursday, January 10, 2008

BLOG vs. Work!

Don't you hate it when work gets in the way the important things in BLOGGING!

It's funny, I have been very excited about starting this blog and was pumped to have a place to throw out my thoughts and perhaps entertain some people. Who am I kidding, as if anyone is actually reading my blog! LOL

Anyway, I have been having a hard time getting the time to write while at work. A big change from the normal around here. But I suppose that is better than the alternative. So, to all you loyal readers, "a cricket chirps in the distance", I do apologize for not writing more consistently.

I brought it on myself. In a meeting with the boss earlier this week, I mentioned a piece of software that would help him keep better track of our projects and tasks! Stupid, stupid, stupid. So he now has an open door to all that is my daily work. It sure keeps me from shirking my jobs when I am don't feeling like doing them, naturally this isn't the norm for me, but I like to have options. My work ethic prevents me from truly shirking any of my responsibilities anyway. Back to the boss; he is on his annual mission prior to his two week vacation in February. Every year in January he goes all postal on us about our work load and wants to ensure we know what needs to be done while he is gone. So what about the other 10 months of the year when he is shacked up in his office without a clue about what we are doing? Periodic checks with the standard question "So, what are you working on?", which is easily answer with clever misdirection and stylish flare. The plan for his holidays will be the the first day or so Dave and I will work diligently at accomplishing the few tasks we are given and then use the remainder of the bosses holiday to take things at our own pace. Never fails, he will check that we accomplished his requests and we will be heroes.

Don't get me wrong, Dave and I have plenty to do and work daily at accomplishing tasks and goals. But realistically, when you verbalize the list it seems insignificant. Could be my years of retail grocery (which I miss dearly) giving my false worry. In retail the list is never shorter than a mile long and it can grow exponentially at the blink of an eye. The Information Technology world is much more planned out and scheduled, not enough chaos for me, I suppose.

I may not get a chance to post as often as I like and I have been working on some create topics, but I need time to get it out of my brain and into a understandable form for others to enjoy.

So for now, keep the faith and I will keep posting. Tell all your friends, I want to create a following! LOL That's funny. Well I leave you with a smile on my face.

My Two Cents

Jamie Cinq-Mars

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The New Year.....hmmm, What Is In Store For 2008?

So here we are another New Year come and gone. Did everyone ring in the new year they way they hoped? It seems that the "new year's eve event" has become a bit of a chore.

This year more than others, I found. I have never been a big public party kind of guy for New Years. I prefer a smaller, more low key style. Not that having a great time isn't the goal, but simply prefer to adhere to the K.I.S.S. theory. Keep It Simple Stupid. And of course the segway to the New Year's eve lip lock applies too.

Keeping it simple just means, picking a place, showing up, enjoying some company, watch the TV to count down the seconds and share some hugs and kisses when it all happens. That's it. No worrying about what to wear, what to bring, who's bringing what, nothing stressful.

So this year we opted to follow the plans of last four years, head over to the same friend's house and ring in the new year. We had an addition to the festivities this year. Another couple joined us and it was a welcome addition to, what is shaping up to be a New Year's tradition. It was a very good evening and I believe we all had a good time. Must have been...I returned AFTER 3am!!! Just so you know, no drinking and driving, all drivers were very responsible.

I hope everyone had a good New Year's eve and they are looking forward to 2008. I am expecting a year of change, good change. I know our friends have some new babies joining us this year and they will add new blessings for us to be thankful for. Really hope everyone I care about finds some peace in their lives regarding whatever issue plagues them the most. I will pray for them to act on the guidance they receive, rather than wait for the solution to fall in their laps. The new year is upon us and has begun as quickly as the previous ended. Act now and make the changes you want to see happen in your life. Keeping in mind that the solution may not be what you expect it to be, so maintain an open mind to different options that will yield the same result. Our minds are like a parachute....they only work when they are open. The most difficult thing to do is to realize our plan may not be the most effective way to find the change we are seeking. Work hard to assess and re-assess to ensure your plan is NOT too narrow minded to actually achieve your goals for 2008. Set yourself up for success not failure.

As I sit here and read my words again, I am compelled to mention the Lord. He wants us to be happy and to find happiness. He reminds me that inviting Jesus into your heart to live with you will open doors to your life that may have been previously closed. He will show you opportunities to be stronger, more courageous, find peace and be happier. He cannot "give" you strength, courage, peace or make you happy. But He will help you understand yourself better, He will guide you to places within yourself that you never knew were there. With this guidance you will discover the World around you is filled with many opportunities to achieve great things. We are all unique, yet the same. In likeness of Him, yet unique. He is not one thing to all of us, instead He is all things to each of us, individually. He wants each of us to have a very personal relationship with Him. Speak to Him, even if it is for the first time. He has been waiting all your life for you to say hello. There is no "right" way to pray to God. Formal or informal, just say hello, He is always available and never on vacation.

You are NEVER alone with Jesus alive in your heart. Never will you need to feel you are walking through this crazy World alone when you have Jesus as a friend. Make him your friend today. Invite Him to be a part of your life. He won't turn you down.

Take care everyone, say a prayer today for anyone or everyone.

Give Jesus a call....

My Two Cents
