It is no wonder to me why people fail so miserably at bettering themselves. The cynicism slapping us around like a rag doll is relentless. I just speak for myself, but can't image it is much different for anyone else. People just can't wrap their tiny little brains around the success of others and supporting that success.
I have recently made lifestyle changes to be more healthy, which have resulted in some fairly significant weight loss. Yet at every turn when I am asked what I have done and I tell them; I am met with blinding wall of darkness that encompasses the room. It is overwhelming to say the least. Because I didn't immediately answer "I found this miracle drug and the fat melted away!!" they can't be bothered to hear what I am saying or find value in it.
Today I experienced the whole thing all over again. The conversation was revolving around not eating too much junk and portion sizing. Person #1 stated they know someone who stops eating when they are full even if the food isn't gone; like myself. I got excited about hearing someone else understanding what I have be doing to be healthier. So I joined in the conversation with a joyous tone. Talked about portions being enormous and stopping eating when full was the way to go, suddenly the wheels fell off! "I could never do that" was said by another person; followed by, "But I need to lose weight" or "so and so is a bad influence on me". Yet as the words leaked from her lips she was eating her 4th helping of cake! The "bad influence" friend wasn't there so what was the excuse this time? I was left in this cloud of despair and doubt. It was as if the notion of being healthy was unattainable. After agreeing to the concept that society has created an environment where overeating (portion sizes) has become expected they turned around and slid back into the abyss. I couldn't figure out what to feel or do. I am confident to say that I have overcome using other people as my crutch for overeating. I no longer eat emotionally and I try to see food as fuel, which goes a very long way to making better choices overall.
But I left this altercation wondering if I was able to inspire anyone? Doesn't all the research I have done and all the learning I have experienced account for something? Who would listen to me, better yet who would hear me? I have something to say and want to help others and teach others to know it is possible. It is possible WITHOUT gimmicks or fad diets. Push come to shove it boils down to standing up to society and saying STOP TELLING ME HOW MUCH TO EAT AND WHEN!! And more importantly, is to say it with conviction and be willing to accept the confused looks, the attempt to make you feel guilty for being healthy and the negative comments all spawned out of ignorance for doing something that will help you live a better life forever. It is probably the hardest part about the whole process. When everyone around us is a victim of societies laws that govern food consumption we will face the toughest challenges. Everyone wants their eating behaviors to be okay and by pressuring us to join in the gluttony it makes everything okay.
Even though I have found a safe place in my own confidence with my choices, I too, feel helpless at times when all I want is to find a way to help others see what I am seeing. I am not a guru or all knowing, but the proof of what I am talking about is evident in the changes my body has gone through. Hopefully this blog is reaching someone who needs to hear what I have to say.
Struggling through a task will only make the end results that much sweeter. Fight the noble fight and always know your conviction to something real can carry you through if you lean hard on the conviction. It will push people away at first but those that truly care will come around. And those that don't; aren't worth keeping around. Sounds harsh but the truth is we are capable of ANYTHING our greatest supporter thinks we can achieve. Surround yourself with people who build you up and spend very little time with those that tear you down (intentionally or unintentionally).
My Two Cents
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