Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The 19th Hole Isn't For Adults Anymore

Am I crazy or is the announcement of the proposed changes to the Liquor Control Act to allow children, yes I said children, to have an alcoholic beverage with their parents at certain sport facilities completely insane!

Do they plan on having Child and Family Services reps sitting in a corner of the room wearing dark sun glasses waiting to pounce on these parents who are willingly feeding their children booze in a public place?

Of all the ridiculous laws the Liquor Commission has on the books, this one will be the worst. Are they having trouble paying their salaries that they need the extra revenue of minors on the 19th hole of Manitoba's golf courses?

Maybe I am crazy, but I just don't understand the rationale behind this latest move. Being a father of two young people, Mini He and Mini She, I wouldn't even consider them having a beer after their curling match or golf game. Are we to assume everyone at the course or rinks took cabs there? Because we certainly wouldn't plan to have a drink with our impressionable children and then climb into the family van and DRIVE home, would we? I know I wouldn't. How on God's green Earth are we supposed to guide our children through their teenage years if we ourselves are not setting an example?

I work hard to try and teach my children to make smart decisions. I know I won't be with them all the time and therefore I have to TRUST my teachings, my example and my concern for their well being has found a home in their brain. A brain that is bombarded daily by peer pressure and complex decisions from friends, family and teammates. All I want is a tiny little corner in the brain so when they are faced with a difficult decision or choice that they can call on my voice and know I believe in them to make the smart decision. Will they never make a mistake? Will they always be on the right side of a decision? Very unlikely, but if most of the time they can keep themselves out of serious trouble, as a parent I will have to be happy. Mistakes are important to make, they help shape our understanding of the World around us. Mistakes should provide an opportunity to learn something. But if the mistakes are made due to a poor example set by the people our children trust the most, us their parents, then how can we expect them to know how to make tough choices as growing teenagers? I suppose this proposal will only effect those children who are already drinking with their parents at home anyway, but showing them it is okay to drink and drive is not something the LC should not be promoting in our youth.

This new proposed regulation change is unnecessary and serves no purpose. Making a change to rules and regulations should be made to provide a benefit to majority of people or to make the environment the rules govern better. The ONLY thing this proposal does is increase the LC's bottom line and increase the chances of children becoming more relaxed about the idea of drinking and driving. Neither one of these two things is good for society. Especially another generation of people growing up thinking it's no big deal to drink and drive!

I can't say this enough...as a parent I am sickened by this whole thing. We are the tools the shape and mold the leaders of tomorrow. When do we start taking that seriously? Having children isn't a hobby, it is a responsibility like no other you will ever take on. If this proposal passes I sure hope most parents won't indulge in the new rule simply because it is there.

Shame on the power players at the LC for thinking this proposal is good for Manitoba!

My Two Cents

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