Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I saw something sad today.....

There I am running through the paces of another Tuesday morning when I saw it. A sad sight for my morning eyes. It was enough to make you wonder why? how? when? and who thought this was a good idea? I stared in wild wonder at the sight before me, yearning for some answers. I became consumed by the images running through my mind. The torture, the solitary confinement, the loneliness gripped me with a iron fist daring me to keep going to find out if it were really true.

I continued through my routine. I parked my vehicle and paused...should I investigate further? Could I bear witness to the despair that I knew to be lurking through the doors only a few feet away. Could the information I encountered as drove up and entered this domain be true? There must be a mistake, were my eyes deceiving me? The only way to know for sure was to leave the warmth of my vehicle and venture out into the frigid air, make the walk to the doors and surge through them to discover the truth.

After coming to terms with the fact that what I believed to be true may not be a horrible as I was billing it be, I went inside.

To my utter shock and disbelief all the signs pointing to this unfortunate circumstance were in fact true! There she was standing there all alone with longing for human contact. Anyone, anyone please notice me. She tried to look as though it didn't matter to her, but it did. She had been thrust into a World where she could never measure up. She was destined to fail. She diligently wiped the already clean counter waiting for someone to ask her one simple question......"Can you get me a large coffee with one cream, one sugar?" Nobody answered her internal cries for acceptance. She was an island in a sea of zombies, all focused on their goal, the sacred Morning Coffee.

I shrugged off my feelings of guilt. While I continued past her in my effort to remain focused to grab my morning coffee from our Nation's favorite addiction, Tim Hortons, I asked myself, "Why would Wendy's think they could sell coffee along side Timmys, let alone in the same building?"

Who was the brain child behind this blunder! How does that board room meeting at Wendy's head office go?

Upstart employee stands proudly and proclaims, "Hey boss, I have this incredible idea! Let's open really early, say 730 AM, to grab that morning crowd!"

Bosses reply, "Are you saying we should sell coffee in the same building as Tim Hortons?"

Upstart employee confidently responds by saying, "No worries boss. We will put up some HUGE signs to let everyone know BEFORE they get inside that we now serve coffee. A special Folgers blend! YEAH! We can team up with Folgers. Everyone likes Folgers. They will all convert to Wendy's coffee and Tim's will become a ghost town!

So as I left the building with my large coffee in tow, I glanced back at the lowly employee still hoping she would get noticed and some how justify her wages with a sale of some kind, I once again felt sadness. Pots and pots of Folgers coffee being poured down the drain morning after morning until someone pulls the plug on this project. Oh the horror!

Perhaps she was drinking the coffee? But I doubt it. As we all know paying for a cup of Timmys trumps a free cup of coffee any day!

My two Cents

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