Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Discover The Secret Location of Success and Happiness

I was working on some demons yesterday when a chance phone call helped me out. I was once again battling with the same demon I spoke of in a previous post where a co-worker was minimizing the efforts of my work to be more healthy or in the narrow minded sense "lose weight". I came away frustrated and confused as to how I could be so bad at cracking this tough nut. I am not in it to "lose weight"; I am making lifestyle changes to be healthier. A fortunate byproduct is I have lost a bunch of weight. Funny how that works!

Back to the phone call. I was trying to get a birthday wish out to an old friend. Someone who has always been a big supporter of me in anything I did, good or bad!! He was in a rush and had me call him. I was talking to him and he was noticeably excited; he then mentioned this new endeavor him and his long time business partner were starting up. "The website launched today!", he proclaimed. I promptly went to to check things out.

I have to say...perfect timing! I was immediately picked up off the mat and back in the game. You see Marni has been an outstanding success in teaching leading business people how to right the ship. Take a mediocre to failing company and infuse it with life and vitality. Turning the company around and showing how to believe in their ability to be great. Naturally this incredibly infectious spirit of hers rubbed off on the staff she encountered and she was often utilizing her gift as a business coach in the life coach arena. I have personally worked with Marni and have watched her in action. OUTSTANDING! She is genuine in her commitment to showing people the power that lies within them. Thus raising them up to achieve greater things. Marni, along with help from her supporters, has launched a program where she can better focus her skills. As a life coach Marni will have the ability to touch more lives in a profound and powerful way. I was very excited about the web site and look forward to hearing the amazing stories of how her work changes lives.

The web site was a great highlight to my day. It reminded me that my work is not done and that I have to constantly re-focus on my accomplishments to motivate me to move forward. Someone in my path to being a better me, will be inspired by what I am doing and that is a HUGE motivation. Thanks to Marni for pumping me up and she wasn't even trying!

I encourage everyone who is reading this post to make their way to Marni's Magic and see for yourself what she can do for you. I believe she can do wonders to help you find the confidence you are looking for and realize your full potential. Marni has the magic and wants to show you how to use it.

My Two Cents


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