Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Laughing All The Way

Here it is Wednesday, eight short days till the fun begins. Fun is relative term isn't it? The Christmas season should be fun, I think, but so often its not for many.
This year in the frozen tundra of Winnipeg I think we were all caught a little off guard. Our weather in November was above normal and beautiful. Perhaps a false sense of "there's lots of time till Christmas" set in without any snow to speak of. I guess living in the snowy climate, as we do, creates a certain need for snow to inform us its time to get shopping. Sure there are plenty of people who start shopping earlier, however, in my humble opinion that's weird! I need the infusion of the Christmas spirit and the feeling of giving helps over look the crowds and think about the concept of giving. Its like having blinders on while shopping. Works for me!
I have heard a lot of the same things from my family this year. No one seems to know what to get anyone and are threatening with gift cards as last minute choices. I don't particularly enjoy gift cards, neither giving or receiving. A gift should be personal and as individual as the person receiving the gift. Why not just agree to not exchange gifts if all your prepared to give is a gift card? It's just cash, no? I give you cash and you give me cash, let's call the whole thing off and agree our gift cards cancel one another out!
Well I'm basically ready for Christmas. A few things here and there to buy, nothing major. Feels nice to have found gifts for everyone that they will enjoy and appreciate, at least I hope.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.

Just a note for the new year: I will be starting a new Blog! Cooking will be the theme. My Twp Cents isn't going anywhere, but just a separate space for some recipes I've collected over the years. They are awesome and most are simple enough for every day preparing.

My Two Cents
Sent from my BlackBerry

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