I came to the conclusion this morning that I am done with Winter. I know, I know, this coming on the heels of my diatribe about conversations surrounding weather. But I am requesting some latitude on this one, because it isn't really about weather per say, but more about seasons. A thin line, but one I am going to walk at this time.
I could not warm up this morning and for me that says something. I am a furnace, prefer cool to cold environments because I produce more than my fair share of body heat! That's right I said it, I am HOT STUFF! ;) But this morning, I could not for the life of me find warmth. At times it has been colder this Winter, but I never have any trouble being warm. So I decided that enough was enough and I am done with Winter.
Not entirely sure what that means?? I can't just walk away from Winter, now can I? Hmmmm. I don't think I've thought this declaration all the way through. (Is that smoke I smell, no wait, that is me thinking) I've got it! I could become a shut in until the season officially changes in a couple of weeks. Now how does that conversation go with the boss....."Uh, well, here's the thing boss. I am done with Winter so I won't be in until March 20th, once Spring begins." Ya that's the ticket! Na, that doesn't seem like a good idea. Although I am fairly certain I have said stranger things to my boss than that in the past three and half years. :)
It's odd for me, because this is the first time I can recall that winters iron grip on Manitoba has had such an impact on me. As stated above I am not normally effected by the elements. I do what I have to do and dress accordingly (most of the time, cue the parental lecture about warm clothes). I guess that is why I formed such a strong opinion about being fed up with Winter. Alas Winter is what is.
So long story shorten, I guess I will need to suck it up and stop being a baby. Winter is here for another two weeks, officially, and potentially another four weeks unofficially. There I think my hissy fit is over. Should be good now! LOL Thanks for tuning in this week for whiny guy cries about the weather. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
My Two Cents
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