Houston we have a problem. In my opinion, one of the most over used phrases of all time. But it sure fits my purpose. My problem is astronomy based. You see I have been wrong about something for many years, I know what your thinking...how is this possible? The Earth is really flat!! No, no no. Some of you may have wondered (and of course I am assuming someone is reading the stuff I write) why my blog address is http://fives

tarthoughts.blogspot.com. It isn't what you may have been thinking. I don't think my topics are 5-Star in the traditional sense. It is, what I thought, a crafty play on words. Sadly this appears to be not true and I am living a lie! Seriously though, I have always thought that Planets were considered stars, don't ask me why, but that is what I have believed to be true. So given my last name is Cinq-Mars, I translated the first part, Cinq, into English to get five and used the literal version of the second half, Mars, therefore Mars=Planet=Star. Thus producing Five-Star! Viola! Sounds simple enough. Pretty clever huh? Well it was until my discovery that planets aren't actually stars! DOH! This all stemmed from the younger days of playing hockey and going through the crazy days of high school. I had all kinds of nicknames, none of which really stuck. There was Mars, 5-Mars bar, 5-star, Mars bar, and the always popular "sink-mars". It never ceases to amaze me how many times I have to face that problem. Why do people complicate things. They look at my name, Cinq-Mars, and then try and perform some complex mathematical equation using advanced algorithms trying to figure out how to pronounce my name. And the brilliant sum total of all those burnt brain cells is "sink"? Has anyone looked at a five dollar lately? Funny how even the person with the least amount of French language skills can look at a five dollar bill and when asked to say the French word located on the bill they say it correctly "sank". Basically if someone looks at my name they come up with 'sink' and if they look at a five dollar bill they come up with 'sank'. Go figure. The other common fun that arises from my name is the translation of only one of the two words. I get the tilted head, that of dog wondering what the heck was that noise, as they attempt to figure out my name, smoke starts to billow from their ears , Let's see...Cinq=Five and Mars=Mars? "So it's Five-Mars, that's a unique (polite way of saying weird) name. What does it mean?" Why wouldn't they translate the entire name? Cinq=Five and Mars=March, officially the name is Cinq-Mars or the 5th of March, ya dumbass!
Well got a little off topic their didn't I, where was I.......
Ah yes, the meaning of Five-Star and my nicknames. I stuck with Five-Star, naturally, because it sounds cooler. And I am a cool guy, visualize the 'gun and wink'. ;) Basically I have been using this 5-Star name for years. For stuff like user names, names on hockey jerseys, and other things requiring a nickname of sorts. All along thinking I was providing a witty twist on my name, when in fact I was doing nothing of the sort! I am sure (laughing to myself) many have thought it was some egotistical thing, where I think I have a 5-Star rating! That's funny. Alas, my brutal, misinformed attempt at wit has failed. I looked it up, I was wrong to think a planet is a star. A star is a star and a planet is a planet. But I will continue with the loose reference to all things astronomy for my explanation for using 5-Star as my nick name.
Now that I think of it, I may be the only one using the nickname? Does that make it a true nickname? Ahhhh, whatever, Five-Star Thoughts powered by blog spot!! Read it and enjoy!
Now you know what the 5-Star is all about!
My Two Cents
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