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I actually have to say that I myself don't go to Tims as much as I used to. I put value on my time. Too many times I have been late for work or wherever it is I am going because of a Tim Horton's line up. I usually refuse to use the drive thru, not sure if it is the Joe Pesci's character Leo Getz screaming in my ear "They F$@%& you in drive thru!" (the movie Lethal Weapon 2) or because without fail there is some lazy ass in the line of three cars who needs to know, "what kind of muffins do you have?". If you are not sure what you are ordering then get out of your vehicle, get some exercise and go see for yourself what variety they have available!! Bottom line in my opinion the drive thru is for simple orders of two or less items, no counting out your change and NO QUESTIONS! Have your money ready, because if you use the drive thru properly you should know how much the order will come to without them telling you. Breath....deep and out....there I feel much better. And of course if I go inside to try and usurp the "quickness" of the drive thru, I seem to always find two trainees working along side two more trainees fumbling along without any clear direction. Shouldn't a trainee be paired up with someone who knows how it all works? Thus giving them a fighting chance when facing the Timmys army of caffeine addicted zombies! So basically I look in the window as I drive into the parking lot and if the line inside has more than three people in it (which still won't guarantee you will get out of there in less than 15 minutes) and the drive thru has more than two cars in it, I usually leave. I turn the bus around and leave crazy town. I end up at Robin's Donuts where the lines, ummmm, do I count as a line.....anyway, where I can drive up, order, pay and drive away in about 30 seconds (no I am not exaggerating). As I said before my time is worth something. I do enjoy Tims coffee more than Robins, but it is about value people. The battle of value breaks down as such; time savings + the coffee from Robins vs. the loss of time + the coffee from Tims. Hands down Robins wins that race. On the days when I have a lot of extra time to kill or I can see clearly that I should be able to avoid the wait, I get my Timmys.
I have to say though, I have been drinking less and less coffee as of late. Thanks Tim Hortons for reducing my coffee intake overall. Probably not something they want to hear, but truth be told waiting 15 - 20 minutes to BUY a cup of coffee doesn't seem to make much sense to me.
My Two Cents
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