Recently I read a quote that got me thinking. The quote was referencing personal choice and its impact on the World.
By making the simple choice of getting out of bed in the morning (and it is a choice) you impact everyone you come in contact with that day. That is a very powerful concept, if you truly think about it. Every single person you interact with during each day has an impact. The concept of choice is a snowball effect. As you make your way out of bed and into your day you are faced with choices every second of the day. Think about this....a simple choice like the coffee shop, which ever one you choose to stop at changes the entire dynamic of everyone else there at the time you arrive and for an extended period of time after you leave. Your choice made the line one person longer, which may translate into the difference between someone behind you in line being late or on time. Had you chose a different coffee shop or to not stop at all you have an equally distinct impact on the people at that coffee shop. The power of choice is fantastically amazing. Even choosing NOT to do something you still have an impact. Powerful stuff.
What I find interesting is how this gift given to us by God has been the World’s greatest ally and the World's greatest defeat. All other animals live and react to its surroundings based on instinct. We as humans live and react based on choice. The ability to choose sets us apart from all others of God’s creations. We can choose to react a certain way to a situation. Naturally over time learned behavior becomes routine and is accredited to an involuntary reaction (habit), yet it began as a choice. It is this choice that has created such division is the World. The mass differences in the religions of the World. I don't think God intended there to be such a huge downside to giving us the gift of choice. Because He works from the position of good and believed people would choose good versus bad, right versus wrong, He bestowed upon us a powerful gift. In essence God’s greatest accomplishment was also His greatest failure. Adam chose to eat the apple. When He was shown even Adam could not resist the enticing encouragement of the Devil; the Lord knew His creation of man in likeness of Himself could not handle the responsibility of the gift called choice. I suppose that is why He sent us His only Son. God could see the gift of choice would not be handled as well as He hoped. He assumed the gift would be used for good. Sadly we now face a World where people don't believe (by choice) and for those of us who do we have to work hard to defend our right to choose belief. I choose to allow Him to work through me in any way He needs to get His message out. He even wants work to be done on behalf of non-believers, because He will believe in man long after they CHOOSE to give up on Him. Because choice is so powerful He believes all His children can choose to come back to Him and invite Him to live in their heart and do His work through them. All He wants to is help His children be happy, but because they have choice in their lives He cannot do anything more than be a guide, without an invitation and faith He is unable to help in His fullest capacity.
What I hope you take from this is not a message about God and becoming a believer, but rather a message about the importance of the choices you make EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY SINGLE DAY and their impact on the World around you. Every smile you share you make the World a better place, at least for a short time. It is hard work hard to make choices that make your World a better place (sounds funny, but it seems do much easier to be a grouch). If everyone worked at making their immediate World a better place then eventually all the good being done would start overlapping and create more happiness. Be positive and understand the POWER you possess with each and every choice you make everyday. Remember I am not talking about the big major choices, like whether to give a homeless guy food, I am talking about the little choices you make each and every day, like whether or not you smile at one another or how you answer the question "How are you?" or how you react to a frustrating event. Your reaction to any one event is a choice. Try choosing best possible path each time you make a choice. Understand that your mood and attitude are also a choice. You choose how you are going to face each and every day. It is up to you. What is your choice today?
God Bless,
Jamie Cinq-Mars
hey there! love the post today, great reminder that we impact people whether we want to or not.
This is a great post Jamie! Everything that you have said is 100% true.
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