Where would Christmas be with our good friend gluttony! It is so true.
We never seem to know how to moderate during the holiday season. By the way, congrats to those smart enough to know when to stop and I hate you! I kid I kid.
Our company pot luck on the last day of the week before Christmas. Everyone brings something and lots of it. There are a wide range of ethnic foods represented and everything is so good. Just one more piece. Hey I didn't try that! Add it to the poor innocent foam plate straining to hold its integrity under the mountain of goodies you have piled on it. So much food, must try everything.
What is wrong with us? I am sitting in the aftermath of what can only be described as a ridiculous amount of food. UGH! I can hardly move my fingers to type. It's nuts! I look around now and see the same look on everyone's face, I need to lie down! Gluttony has struck again.
Merry Christmas and like I say, what is Christmas without a little gluttony!
My Two Cents
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