My last Blog took aim at some disturbing patterns I have come to notice. The concept of passing judgment, no wait, acting on a judgment without knowing all the facts about a person.
This has sucked the energy right out of me. I am at a loss for how to get through this. My mind continues to circle back to the events and how they unfolded. I can't seem to get past how incredibly short sighted people can be. I am trying to hold on to the notion that the actions were not an intent to be cruel and unusual, based on the idea that it stems from a misguided opinion that was never confirmed. Which is the point......
When you are faced with a choice (back to this topic, amazing how it surfaces so often, powerful stuff), shouldn't part of that process be due diligence?? I mean, let's be honest, not everyone is going to get along with everyone, but shouldn't everyone be given a certain level of respect and caring until they otherwise PROVE they are undeserving? I think so!!
I know you are sitting wondering, "what is this lunatic talking about??".
Well, it is quite simple really...if you are at all human and have even an ounce of caring in your soul, then you MUST understand you are part of something much bigger than yourself. You have a DIRECT and profound impact on everyone you meet. Whether you have known them for 20 years or 20 days, you have a powerful position in their World. Neither one of you may truly understand it, but it is there regardless.
So all I am trying to impress upon anyone who cares, is always take time to find out what is happening inside a person's head and/or heart. You will be a better person for it, and you will touch more people's lives in the process. You may not know how or when specifically, but you will have impact.
I am reminded of yesterday morning....a co-worker came to me to ask me if I would be willing to supply her with transportation to our company Christmas lunch. My immediate response was "Yes", was there another option? I was confused by the nature and delivery of the question quite frankly. You see, she is an older lady (retiring at the end of this year), I don't believe she has ever been married and has no kids. She is friends with our payroll officer and she was already riding with me. They way she approached me was strange, almost sheepish, like she was asking me for a loan or something. It turns out she had asked another fellow employee if he could give her a ride and he was slow to respond and finally said "I guess I can clean a seat off for you". Which I think was his attempt at humour. So when I was quick to agree to provide a ride she made a direct trip to our payroll officer's office to exclaim "Wow, what a difference!". She was referring to my response to her request for a ride.
The point is this...without knowingly or deliberately trying I had an impact on her morning. She felt a dramatic difference in responses to her request and thus felt a dramatic upswing in your morning attitude. The littlest choices are the ones that often have the most profound impact. Anyone who says "I am only one person, what kind of difference can I make?" is a short-sighted fool. EVERYONE has an enormous impact the minute you begin interacting with fellow human beings.
Get to know people, ask questions, CARE about the answers. It will serve you very, very well in all avenues of your life. "In likeness of Him"
In case I am not back, go am make an impact! Smile at someone today.
My Two Cents
Have a an incredible holiday season. Merry Christmas and may the peace of Christ be surround you and your family.
God Bless,
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