I was reviewing an earlier entry touching it up when I came to realize something else (A.D.D. Anyone?), SQUIRREL, what was I saying, oh ya, my conclusion was I want to be a writer! I love writing, its fun. I enjoy writing, proof reading and touching up a series of thoughts intended to make a specific idea complete. Whether it's current events, personal opinion, sports or random musings of a crazy person; it works for me. I find it easy to scroll out words and create something that will evoke an emotion of some kind, both positive and negative reactions are a good thing.
I used to write. Back in the early years of school, I think grade sevenish. Around juinor high was a big boom of writing for me, from poems to short stories, I wrote it all. Naturally at that age I wasn't confident enough to share my writing with too many people, you know, it wasn't cool. Now of course, the Internet provides a place for any goof ball with a thought running through their empty heads to rant. Hey wait a minute! Nevermind.
The Internet equals the perverbial Global soapbox if you will. But that in of itself also provides ME a place to "publish" my writing in a way that gets it out there, but protects the fragile ego of wanna be writer. The down side in this scenario is finding an audience not only consisting of family and friends! They are great and I appreciate their comments but touching more lives would be ideal. Right now, its more about if the bigger audience can find me, then me finding them. If they find me, great, but it is a slow ride.
I've considered writing a book many, many times. Self help/motivational and fiction are my favorite to tinker with. I actually have a number of pages and parts of chapters started for a work of fiction. I basically have plenty of substance for book based on making lifestyle changes for a healthier life, due largely to my own personal reflection about my successes over the last couple years. How does one get published? How does it all work? Writing a column for a newspaper would be great too. For now I guess I'll continue to write here, in my World renoun Blog! Ha Ha. No worries, I am writing for myself, not anyone else. Without a doubt I'd like you have a large audience that I write to regularly, but I think writing for myself rather an audience will produce better quality reading material. Finding the audience will have to wait. I can be patient....at times!
My Two Cents
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Hey Jamie,
I think the book based on motivation/confidence would be great! You're correct also, you're a fantastic writer. Heck, I could use a really good book on motivation and self myself as that seems to be my biggest hurdle to overcome.. and has been holding me back immensely.
Anyways, I think you would be a great writer and people would be privileged to hear what you have to say... If you write something along the motivation/self confidence lines.. let me know i'd like to read it.
Thanks Dave! Your comments are greatly appreciately. Thank you so much. I really should look into "how" write a book! I would love to do it. Not even from a financial stand point, but from the perspective of touching someone's life that can't seem to figure it out. I may look at the possibility of becoming a personal trainer, since my term with the MLCC is officially over this Friday.
Thanks again for your gracious comments.
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