Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Roadmap Through Murky Waters

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

Mark Twain

What a great quote by Mark Twain. I received a great comment from a reader the other day. I KNOW...an actual reader! That is awesome, right! Okay enough goofing off, this is serious stuff and the readers expect more.......uh....let's move on, shall we.

The comment reinforced my decision to not allow others to impact my plan, as the Mark Twain quote says avoid those who belittle your plan. I appreciate the comment because it validates my feelings on the issue. Also it was a nice surprise to find out I'm not simply typing into cyberspace for the sole purpose of clearing out space in my head. Thank you very much to Ellen, who can be found here, http://keepingitoffblog.blogspot.com/ It's not that others (people I know) haven't spoke to me about my ramblings here in big, bad World of the Internet, but this comment came out of blue from someone I don't know and yet took the time to take interest in my dribble! I started writing to find some quiet comfort in the ideas and thoughts racing through my head, it can be soothing at times. Without getting this stuff on paper (sort of) I was constantly trying to remember an interesting thought or idea. I starting blogging with intent of finding readers and supplying them some entertainment and perhaps inspiration.

Ellen also made an important point that I need to continue to do what I am doing and those who are ready to follow; will. That is a very true statement. I forget that at times. I so desperately want to have a positive impact on others; in my strive to help them achieve whatever they are on a mission to achieve, I forget I can't decide they should become the success I see. They have to want it or at least have a clue it's there for the taking. Most of the time the most important key to their success is only one small thing....belief. Simple belief that they CAN do it and more importantly, having someone else actually believe its possible; I truly believe we are all capable of ANYTHING our greatest supporter thinks we can achieve. I like being that person; someone who believes they can do it, who knows I may be alone in the cheering section, but I alone can help them succeed. I probably like being that person because it deflects from my own struggles with finding success, but that is a whole different topic and about a hundred blogs worth of stuff.

Surround yourself with as many people who believe in what you are doing and success will come. A difficult reality facing those with doubt is; our daily lives are filled with saboteurs (intentional or not) and "surrounding" ourselves with believers isn't easy. I say, rather than waste too much time finding a whole horde of people; focus on finding one that will believe in you unconditionally. Someone willing to re-energize you when the daily buzz kills around you suck your potential right out of you. Nothing irritates small minded people more than someone having a dream or believing in something they can't possibly comprehend. With that I leave you this thought: If you want something, go get, it's yours for the taking. You own the potential to achieve it and it's time for you to shine!

My Two Cents



Ellen said...

Yes, there is someone out there reading your blog. The words you have so carefully chosen aren’t just floating around aimlessly in cyberspace.

I agree with what you are saying Jamie, especially about surrounding yourself with people who believe in what you are doing – that is why I, personally, appreciate going to Weight Watcher meetings. There I am in the company of people who understand my weight loss journey and offer understanding and insight.

The only thing I would like to add to your words of wisdom is the fact that I truly believe we are all capable of ANYTHING we think we can, with or without a supporter. Having a supporter helps but first we have to believe in ourselves.

Thanks for the mention!

Jamie said...

Thanks again Ellen. I couldn't agree more. An individual needs to believe in themselves first. Thanks for adding clarity to that point. Take care