My Two Cents...Re-Invested
A blog about the journey that lead me here. I try to provide enough substance to challenge someone's thinking and perhaps offer a unique perspective that opens my mind to alternate theories. Perhaps even inspire someone to achieve the greatness that is within themselves they have yet to realize.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
A 100 Weddings and One Funeral
As the Patriarch of a large family that spans five generations your life has touched so many lives, most you never knew. That is the irony; although a lot of us may not have had a close personal relationship with you; your life will live on through your incredible family. From your wife Dora, our Matriarch, to your children, to your grandchildren, to your great grandchildren, to your great, great, grandchildren, your family touches lives in so many incredible ways.
The 130+ living descendants, spanning 5 generations, still actively try to gather multiple times a year, which started from Sunday pilgrimages to a little house in Kleefeld, MB.
Again our relationship may not have been close, but I do thank you for the family that has developed from your marriage to my Grandmother. I am very proud of my family roots of Kleefeld, MB. I am proud of the people I get to call my relatives and tradition of gathering as a family.
Please do not worry as you watch over us, this large and uniquely close family will watch out for each other as we grieve the significant passing our Patriarch. I personally will find the gathering of our family together for our first funeral will be a different experience than we are used to.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Walking Miracle?
I have to continue today because I am not sure how to deal with an event that happened at Thanksgiving. First some background.
Through a series of lifestyle commitments, including exercising, eating sensibly and having discipline. My latest job has been a major time sucking blackhole. After three months I am still struggling to get home at a normal time, normal by my standards. I realize some people consider 7 am to 7 pm normal, I don't. So with that I have also found it tough to find time to get stuff done during the day like I would have at my previous jobs. I haven't cooked anything in months! My wife has not enjoyed this change. I'll be honest, neither have I. Its bad enough, that to ensure we have time to celebrate her 40th birthday I booked a Saturday evening with her two weeks ago just to be sure. I also haven't found time to get to the gym either. This has been very frustrating for me because of the lifestyle changes I made to be more healthy, which yielded an 80 pound weight loss. I do get a great deal of exercise on the job but it is different, mentally for sure. Both exercising and cooking were cleansing for the mind. I won't mention the details of how my volunteering time is almost gone.
This past month has been the worst ever for me and food since this journey began in 2008. I have not had control of my eating habits. In a moment when I can determine the negative food choice is bad, my hand reaches out and grabs it. Almost like an out of body experience. I've consumed so many calories this past week that I am certain I gained nearly 10 lbs. I've also noted my inability to stop when I'm full, I am still "hearing" the signal, but ignoring it and stuffing it in. Things are getting out of control. Its like if I'm not exercising, why bother? Its nuts, but it is what it is.
Then "it" happened.......
I was told I was "a walking miracle".
Wow! How does one digest that? I inquired further and I determined my "miracle" status was gained due to my apparent ability to keep the weight off. Although I thanked them for the compliment and we discussed the topic, I felt terrible about my last few weeks and my current weak mental state. Besides I don't think miracle is a fitting word for this. Miracle? Really? Is it because the World we live in suffers from so much obesity that no one feels being a healthy weight isn't possible? But "miracle"? I should note that this comment was from a family member who is quite spiritual. It carried weight with me.
I have reacted poorly to this added mental weight, by trying to match my physical weight to my mental weight. I seem to be trying to sabotage my health. I can only call it sabotage because I know exactly what is happened and seem powerless to stop it. I'm in a bad place. I just not sure how to turn the corner this time. I thought by now I would have figured it out by now and developed a new routine to marry my work schedule and lifestyle of exercise, sensible eating and volunteerism.
I'm worried about the fact that I haven't.
My Two Cents
Sent from my Rogers BlackBerry
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Technology Curfew?

Monday, January 18, 2010
Writer's Unblock

For now I guess I'll continue to write here, in my World renoun Blog! Ha Ha. No worries, I am writing for myself, not anyone else. Without a doubt I'd like you have a large audience that I write to regularly, but I think writing for myself rather an audience will produce better quality reading material. Finding the audience will have to wait. I can be times!
My Two Cents
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Excuse My Drooling, It Isn't Intended For You

In particular, I am referring to the chocolate covered wonders found at your local Starbucks. Now, it should be mentioned that I am not one to promote the $5.00 cups of coffee or the pretentious way the patrons order a coffee or the insulting way they package up irregular shaped pieces of wood and attempt to convince you they are in some way more special then other deformed pieces of wood you could stack (true story), BUT man them pretzels are goooood!
I am sure other fine establishments make their own version of the breath takiing chocolate covered pretzels, however, there is something about the exquisite morsels found at Starbucks that has my full and complete attention. All Starbucks jokes and stereotypes aside, let's hone in on the beauty of this delectable treat.
It's worth noting the pretzels in question have three distinct layers of glorious goodness. First you have a salty, dry, crunchy pretzel stick; not one of those tiny little ones you can stuff a couple dozen in your mouth at once either (at least I can)! NO WAY! I'm talking a real pretzel, about a half inch in diameter and a half dozen or so inches long! Then dip the pretzel into a vat of ooey gooey caramel so it envelopes the salty stick, so when it cools it forms a thick, sweet, chewy protective coating for the precious salt inside. If that weren't enough, let's now take this already awesome snack and dip the sucker in milk chocolate!! Who doesn't love anything covered in chocolate?!? People eat insects dipped in chocolate, far beit for a pretzel to seem odd!
What you are left with is this soft and chewy yet, hard and crunchy, salty yet, sweet, taste and texture sensation in your mouth. At is all pulled together with the silky sweetness of milk chocolate. WOW! It's an incredible blend of textures and tastes that is confusing and delightful all at the same time. Flavors seem to be war...yet...not. It isn't a sophisticated culinary masterpiece (not sure the Starbucks brain trust would agree), but it is a fantastic example of how food can be a delightful blend of conflicting textures and tastes.
All and all this not so unique treat is one of my favorites. One I have a hard time passing up when they sitting there waving at me through the showcase glass at my local Starbucks. Try one today! Take your time and savour the various simple components coming together in one tasty adventure.
My Two Cents