The debate rages on. Is obesity and the alarming rate it has increased based on our reduced exercise or how much we eat?
It never fails, I find myself in a food discussion with someone; mostly those defending their own weight or that of someone close to them; and they will never yield to the concept of calories in being a problem, said of course as they chomp down on a fast food treat. How can anyone be so blind? Well, look no further than the advertising campaigns of Big Food and Big Fast Food. With all the bogus and I mean BOGUS advertising about how healthy all this fast food is or how healthy all these pre-portioned treats are and how they are going to save your waistline; it is no wonder people are blind to the truth. The blinders are on and working very, very well.
Here is what I find interesting. Dogs have their own website (no they aren't running the web site) about stopping canine obesity! www.stopcanineobesity.com
What's interesting is that dogs are suffering a similar fate of their masters. Even the Dog treat Pup-Peroni has released a new treat specifically geared at counting the calories you give your dog. WAIT A MINUTE! I thought obesity had nothing to do with calories taken in and everything to do with a distinct lack of exercise!?! Interesting.
How is it that dogs have seen an increase in obesity rates? Aren't we as the masters providing their food and lifestyle? Perhaps we should blame Fido's lack of gym membership as the cause of his extra pounds? Maybe fast-food? I suppose it is Fido's genetics? Living in an air conditioned World? I know, it has to be all that Big food/Big fast-food advertising brain washing our poor Fido? When was the last time you said NO to Fido when he was begging for a certain type of treat at the grocery store! Then there was the Air Bud product endorsements, how can dogs resist celebrity endorsements? Perhaps their sudden rise in obesity can be blamed on not being permitted to fidget, has anyone ever met a Border Collie? I knew putting a TV in Fido's dog house was a bad idea? Maybe it was the Video games? The Internet? High-fructose corn syrup? Artificial sweeteners? MSG? Social networks? Early weaning? Sleep deprivation? I think you get the picture!
It is simply a matter of us, the master, feeding them too much food. Calories in vs. calories out.
Yes of course, you MUST exercise your dog so it can be healthy, but if you don't monitor the calories in your dog will get fat. Most dogs are active enough to keep their weight a healthy level, some dogs will need a little more work. Of course older dogs have a naturally slowing metabolism and need more walking. Hey does any of this sound familiar?
Of course it does! It is us! Humans. We too need to be active, not go to the gym six times a week active, but active. But MOST importantly we need to be more aware of the calories we are are forcing our bodies to work with. We need to learn to cook less to avoid the concept of "finishing" the food. I know most of us do not like throwing food away, with all the people in the World having no food, but I think it is more important that we cook less NOT eat more to eliminate food waste.
The debate will rage on, mostly fueled by those unwilling to admit they consume too many calories when they stop on the way home from work to pick food 3 or 4 times a week because little Timmy has baseball practice, piano lessons and homework to do and we just don't have time! Well read this, if you don't make time for your health, time will be the least of your worries. You MUST make time or you will lose more time in the long run.
My Two Cents